Thursday, April 7

Princess Forest

You know one of the things that makes me the most happy?

When Dennis comes home after work and says, "Let's go to the park!"

Spring is in full force here, which has given us a few chances to do just that.

We have the traditional playground parks spotting our town, and also a fun little place we've dubbed, "Princess Forest."

Princess Forest has a Swan Lake (a holding pond for storm water) and Dragon Rock. There are trees all around, and it is simply a beautiful place to run around and burn off some energy.

I love that some simple little things like some woods, a pond, and a big jagged rock can spark our kids' imagination and bring smiles to their faces.

1 comment:

Jon and Melissa said...

So fun! I am jealous. We got 5-6 Inches yesterday and today...and it just keeps snowing. Spring, what is that again?