Saturday, May 16

Stylin' Sisters

A couple weeks ago (am I really that behind!?), my mom came into town and we went to Old Navy one day. Before I could blink, the girls would disappear around a clothes rack or around a corner. When they came back into view, they would always have something new they'd picked out.



Volleyballs and Flip-flops...
I guess we're ready for summer around here! And good thing too, because it can be blazing hot some days.

By the way, I had the absolute best time with my mom while she visited. She watched the kids for me a few times so I could go do those things I never have time for, like going to the dentist and getting a haircut. The rest of the time we spent having fun, shopping, making cards, watching chick-flicks, and eating brownies. Thanks for coming, Mom! I wish I had more pictures, but I guess we were having too much fun to take very many!


Janna said...

So cute! I especially love the hat.

Moms are seriously the best, aren't they?

smithsmiles said...

Those girls are going to be dangerous as teenagers! Dennis may have to get a second job!

geeno said...

-sigh- i love trips with mom - best vacations ever!

Jennie's bunch said...

A couple of future gorgeous models!!

Moms are the BEST!!!