All afternoon on Thursday I had contractions about 15 or 20 minutes apart, and Dennis thought I was fooling myself into thinking I was going into labor. My doctor had just told me that day there was a possibility the hospital would cancel my induction because they were getting really busy lately, and they needed to leave room for women who were actually in labor. So... after the contractions lasted through the night, I decided to get Sarah off to school and run some errands. Dennis had a meeting that he told me I could interrupt, but I didn't want to. The meeting ended at 10:00, and by the time we found a friend to watch the kiddos at home it was getting later and later. We got to the hospital around 11:30, not sure if they would keep me or not. My contractions were averaging about 5 minutes by then. I was admitted at 8 cm dilated! The nurses told me I had to make a split second decision on whether I wanted an epidural or not... I opted for none this time since I figured I made it this far, and maybe just maybe I could make it through the rest.
The baby was born at 12:49 pm, so it's a good thing we got to the hospital when we did!
So, without further ado...
Here he is...
The one and only...
Jared Lee Hunger
October 8, 2010
8 lbs. 13 oz.
21.5 inches
Here he is...
The one and only...
Jared Lee Hunger
8 lbs. 13 oz.
21.5 inches
We all love our new "born baby" as the kids like to call him.
Oh he is adorable, goodness I didn't realize how I missed that newborn phase until I saw a newborn, I could just eat him up he is so cute.
And hello, did you really just have a baby, you look AMAZING, wow seriously gorgeous. Congratulations what a beautiful family you have.
Yea! Congratulations... He's beautiful!
HA! He is adorable! And no epidural? You ARE super woman. Seriously, after knowing this I need to call you. And how dare you look that amazing after just giving birth. Stop, just stop, you are making all of us look bad.
Did I mention that I love you? Because I definitely do! Congrats on a handsome little boy. I can't wait to meet him!
He's so handsome!! Congrats! I always wished that would happen to me....but nope! All 4 inductions. Way to go epidural free! You are my hero.
You are amazing! He is so adorable! I think he looks just like Emma-but boyish. I can't believe you labored so long before going to the hospital and no epidural! Incredible. You are some sort of superwoman. I guess it is okay that you had your Grandpa's name as a middle name instead of mine-he might have gotten teased as Jared Melissa. I didn't know your Grandpa and I shared a birthday-all this time you were just remembering his birthday...Congratulations he is such a handsome little man!
He is an absolute doll! You are awesome you did it natural! Also you look way too good in that picture to have just had a baby!!
as always you and your are looking lovely and put together even during times of chaos. I'm so glad Jared is here and i can't wait to hear how you felt about your no epidural decision at 10 cm and pushing (since you didn't include those juicy de tails)
hope all is well with the family of 6!!
Congrats on a beautiful baby!!! He is adorable!
Congratulations, he's adorable and you look amazing!
Congrats friend! Oh and by the are not supposed to look that good after giving birth. Love ya!
Congrats!!! He is absolutly adorable....and you look fantastic too! Enjoy him!
Oh, he's so sweet! Congratulations!!! Love the name Jared! How can you look that great without drugs!! You're amazing!! Wishing you and your family the best!! Miss you!!
He is so cute Jen- and once again you look amazing, like a day after having him?! Congratulations- fun story on his arival!
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