Last week found us in San Diego with my whole family including my parents, all my siblings, their spouses, and children. There were 27 of us, 15 being under the age of 11, and two people had birthdays while we were there. It was packed with
relaxation, and
noise. We went to Lego Land California for two of the days (which is extremely kid-friendly by the way... perfect for our girls), spent some time on the beach, and just enjoyed one another's company.
Here are
a lot of pictures from our stay...

Sarah's favorite ride at Lego Land

Emma's favorite ride too!

Everything was either made of legos, or looked like it was

Sarah's little driving course

Sarah's driver's license she got after the driving course. We tried and tried to show her how to hold the license so that we could see her face... I guess it's more fun this way!

All locked up. See the lock is made of legos... who gets the job to make those anyway?

Andrew endured the long stroller ride well - dozing off for a while.

Emma looks too cute in huge glasses! These are for the 4D movie we saw in LegoLand.

One ride Sarah did NOT enjoy. It bounced up and down a lot...
She is riding with my niece, sister-in-law, and two nephews.

Emma was content to find a make shift sand box while Sarah rode the "scary ride."

Girls on the beach

Enjoying the smooth sand and warm weather

What a great-looking couple!

Sarah made "sand angels" every chance she could get. When you don't get snow, I guess you made do with what you have!

Sweet squeezes from Emma

Cute cuddles from Andrew

Andrew is just getting some good grit into his diet.

"Hey mom! Stop taking pictures and come eat some sand with me."

So picturesque that I had to take a picture

Completely exhausted at the end of a great week!
I am so wishing I were there right now! Sounds like you had a great time. I would love to take me boys to the ocean. Good times!
I love the idea of Lego Land, and the beach! Oh I can't wait for the warm weather to return. Love the pictures.
You know you take some really great pictures, you should think about photography! What a great trip, I could so use some sun right now.
oh and you got me on the texting thing it never occured to me that your kids wouldn't be hanging on your legs while texting, maybe I will have to give it a try? You have me thinking...!
What a fun trip!! No wonder it seems like I haven't seen you forever...I haven't!! We need to get together soon!!! I am missing you!!:)
Oooh I am so jealous! That looks amazing. Great pictures-it looks like you guys had the PERFECT time. I want to go outside and play-I think that the kids are more than ready for summer-maybe we will have to make a trip to the beach. I am so glad you guys had so much fun!
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