For Valentine's Day, the hospital where Dennis works had a bake sale. It's become expected that I make a few things at each sale they have. We've tried to mix it up a bit and do something different each time.
Last week, I made a few of these....
A lot of these...
And even more of these...
(recipe & instructions at Bakerella)
My reputation preceded me this time. Dennis told me that the bread loaves and cookies didn't actually make it to the sale. They got bought as he walked into work that day. All the work is worth it when that happens!
Oh yeah... and everything tasted scrumptious. I had to test it out before I gave it all away.
Everything looks so professional! (and I'm sure it tasted just as good) Sometimes I like to think of myself as a baker, but this morning I made bread and put the salt in twice! I was so mad after all the work I had to throw them out.
Now I'm hungry!!! Everything looks so good. And like Kimberly said, it looks so professional!
I am jealous of your baking talent. Not only do I not have the gift, I don't have the desire. I love the rewards of baking but I really don't like to do it. I wish I had a little more love for baking.
It looks like the gift was not wasted on you! everything looks absolutely amazing! And if you ever do open a bakery I will be first in line to consume your goodies!
cute cupcakes
Yummy!! Those look so good. You need to post some of your yummy recipies online! I need to learn to make good bread.
beautiful... just beautiful! what a talent/gift you have! now that is the kind of talent to have! i have loved everything that you have ever made... pizza, oreos, cake.... i will be your biggest costumer when you open your bakery some day. i heard you were in iowa. just for fun? hope you are doing well.
Everything looks so delicious Jenn and so professional! What a compliment to have everything sold before it even hit the floor!
I don't know why, but this post made me REALLY miss you!I guess it's because I remember "baking" no-bake cookies when we were teenagers (maybe pre-teens?). I wish we could bake together now! Miss you.
Looks delicious! Could I get your cookie recipie? I have yet to get a really good one - it sounds like yours may be it! Isn't baking fun!?
Can you open that bakery now please! If you ever need taste testers you know who to call!!
You are just amazing!!! Your food is always great and looks so pretty!! I can't wait til you open your bakery...will you consider giving me a job so I can learn behind the scenes???
It amazes me even more that you can achieve that great detail with 3 little ones!!
I would totally work with you! I could be your sou chef! I keep telling Jer I want to open up a bakery...mmmm cupcakes.
those all look beautiful - dennis is one lucky guy! I think we're going to have to have a chat on baking bread - those do look divine! and how flattering to have all your baked goods presold - I want a good reputation like yours someday
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