He only requires room & board...
...and he's got a killer smile!
What ever happened to the rule of not dating until you are sixteen? Our defiant Emma has thrown it out the window and is often seen hand-in-hand with this little cutie...
He goes by the alias of A-Train and is such a gentleman - giving Emma a gentle push as they swing at the park.
Boy is Andrew looking big, not so much like a little baby anymore, I love the pictures!
That is the cutest little employee I have ever seen! And, what were we thinking having little girls? Yikes, such a cute boyfriend already! ;)
Cute lovebug pictures! Joshua just started unloading the dishwasher and I love it!
Andrew is such a cutie! I love seeing him at church in his little tie. Too cute.
Oh, you better watch it... if the boys are already coming around, you just wait until later! ;)
Oh my goodness!! Seriously she has a little boyfriend! Dennis better get the shotgun out now. How darling is that!
The kiddos are so adorable!
so cute! call me if you come around here so we can go to the park with y'all!
Andrew is getting so big. He has grown so much! You better watch Emma.. I'm sure that little guy isn't the only one lining up for her.
Ha!! You made me laugh!!! I can't believe how big Andrew is getting, it is soooo good he's a helper too!
Love the little boy friend!! Sooo cute!!
Love your new header!!:) Miss you!!!
Andrew is such a cute little helper! Emma and her little boyfriend are adorable. Your kids seem like they are at such a fun stage.
ahhh, young love. Andrew is standing so well - is he walking?
by the way, your house looks cute - maybe you should give the treehouse girls a tour on our blog :)
Andrew is at such a fun age, I love when they start getting into everything:) Emma and Ben would be such good friends, little girls are Ben's favorite.
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