Tuesday, December 16

Preschool Problem

I really want to get Sarah into a pre-school! There is only one program in my town that I would actually consider and they are full. All the other ones go every day or are daycares... and they are VERY expensive. The one I like has the option of going either one or two days a week from 9:00 am to 2:45 pm. Ugh! I'm frustrated.

Why is it so hard to find a good pre-school in this state? I'm now even considering the whole "Mother's Day Out" solution. I used to hate the name of that, but now I realize they are pretty much preschools for kids that aren't in daycare.

Does anyone around here have any ideas for me? I even would look into a pre-school that someone did in their home (if it's good), but I can't even find that!


Amanda said...

if you know other moms in your area that are in a similar situation you could get together and do joy school. i don't know if you know what that is, but it's a home pre school and all the moms take turns teaching the lessons. i did it with my oldest and he loved it.

Kimberly said...

I had Jackson in an every day preschool, but only took him two half days a week. Maybe one of the every day ones is flexible?

Angela and Bryan said...

I second the idea about joy school. I would do it, but there aren't even any other mom's around here with preschool age kids. I understand how you feel! It's frustrating when you know what you want for your child and because of the location you are in it just isn't available.

Janna said...

i was going to say joy school also. i did that with zack. he went twice a week. i only had the kids at my house once every 6 weeks. it was nice for me and he loved it.

Jennie's bunch said...

There are some homes for sale in my neighborhood...The pre school at the kids elementary school is awesome!! It could be worth the move!!:) Good luck!!