As I mentioned before, we took a last minute - fast as can be - trip to Iowa two weeks ago. There is a gravitational force that pulls Dennis to Iowa in the fall. It must have something to do with harvesting, football, and family! We spent some time on a family friend's farm... Dennis and the girls drove a couple tractors, rode in the corn combine, and then we all played in one of the corn wagons when it was full. That was the best! It was like a huge sandbox, but with billions of corn kernels instead of sand. I've been wanting to do that since we got married, so this year I finally got my chance.
Last weekend, there was a circus in town. I don't know what I was thinking, but I've never been to a circus before. I had in my head these amazing acts and huge animals (ie. lions and elephants). I forgot to factor in the fact that we don't live in a huge town so a huge circus wasn't realistic for our town. Oh well, the kids had a good time. It was all worth it in the end.
Sarah took a little pony ride outside the show. She named her pony "Bella," and talked about her for a couple of days afterwards
For Family Home Evening this week, we did what everyone seems to do this time of year. We carved our lonely little jack-o-lantern. Sarah was a pro and remembered what to do with all the "yucky guts," so she showed Emma the ropes. It was so much fun watching them clean out the pumpkin together. I wish I had video I could put on here to show just how great it was.